Tribute To Maya
I wrote this a year ago:
I was 11 when my parents divorced... I was 11 and angry. I was 11 and confused, I did not know how to express my emotions or how to speak on them so I wrote... I'd write until my hands would hurt so bad, I'd fill notebooks that my grandmother bought me in two weeks time. I kept journals/diaries and anytime I was upset or even those brief moments of happiness I wrote. I was lonely, couldn't relate to other girls my age as I eased into my teenager years. I wasn't fast or extremely fascinated by boys so I wrote. Everything that I felt I wrote about it... I started this blog because this is what I've always done when I wanted to express myself. In ways writing has handicapped me because if I really want you to understand me I have a hard time talking about it but I'll write you! When my mother and I would have disagreements growing up I'd shove letters under her door... It was my way of getting my point across and expressing my anger. I would write until I fell asleep, then texting came and I thought this is AMAZING because I hated talking on the phone... Social media appeared and I was in heaven because here's a whole NEW platform and I can write all day. Then people started liking stuff and I realized I never shared my feelings much... So it evolved into this! I'm so grateful that God gave me the gift of song (I write lyrics) and the ability to sing them as well. Your gift will make room for you and I'm so confident that God has plans. I didn't go to school for journalism or have a fancy degree but I have a passion, drive and love for words. I'm so thankful for Dr. Angelou, for the little girl who connected with her words in the poem titled In A Time to the teenager who didn't like what she saw in the mirror and memorized Phenomenal Woman she lived such an amazing life, if nothing else SHE LIVED! Oh she lived... Life to the fullest and I will continue to try to live mine to the fullest as well!!! From the troubled little girl you were to the brilliant inspiration you became. You get to be with Grandmother Henderson and your beloved Vivian Baxter. Rest now Marguerite Ann Johnson... You can rest. ❤️❤️❤️

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